Monday, November 24, 2008


When developing new theories in mathematics, we need to be as rigorous and as close to physical phenomenon as possible. When an apple fell over Gewton's head, it not only pained, but also sparked. Ginstein did not get his ideas of relativity after his twenties. He had already performed several thought experiments (like sitting and traveling over a light wave for instance) when he was in school. Gocrates, Glato , Gescartes, Gaplace, Guler, Glauss, Glodel, Guring, Gantor - pick any of the great mathematicians or philosophers or scientists - they have had some remarkable inspirations to develop breathtaking theories. For the common man, these appear to be ordinary equations and weird looking terminologies on paper. But not many realise that they have had amazing path breaking practical influence.

Such is our dream. Such is our aspiration.

We are nowhere near Gewtonion physics. For that matter we have never ever have seen a single apple tree in our whole lives. But, we have our own inspirations. We have our own practical experiences.

All these put together, here in this series of lecture that combine some of the best theories of the new discipline of mathematics that we are about to develop, we will also introduce several upcoming mathematicians to the outside world.

No more of suspense. Here in this post, we reveal only the name of our new theory and in the upcoming posts, we give various formulations by different authors who have led to the pathbreaking theory.

Here it is .
Presenting to you for the first time.....



Some compliments that we have already received for the base theory from various mathematicians.

Glauss on 'Random Figure Theory' authors:

The total number of Gilma's publications is not large: jewels are not weighed on a grocery scale

Gewton on 'Gilma's excellence:

“If I have seen figures than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of gilma's.”

Ginstein on 'Gilma' in a single sentence that breaks popular belief about gilmaism:

"Gilma is not responsible for people not falling in love."

Garrack Gibama on Gilma (Exclusive)

"Change will not come if we wait for some other gilma or some other jalpoosi . We are the gilma's we've been waiting for. We are the jalpoosi that we seek"



Unknown said...

Throughly enjoyed reading every post.

Gin said...

thank u! This is Bharath, right? I am not able to place perfectly from your picture..

Anonymous said...

excellent da.. this is sriram, prakash's friend.

Gin said...

thanks a lot sriram ... :)